Social Media Management

We are spirits in
the digital world


Life moves pretty fast. Don’t get caught in the dust.

From planning, capturing, editing, scheduling, publishing, and reviewing, I have done it all. I understand each platform and its unique positioning in digital strategy so we can achieve success.

Planning - Let’s sit down and get to know each other. Then we can find the platforms that best meet your needs and the content we want to produce. My experience lends itself well here as we can also work on finding events and organizations to partner with or participate in to generate some good old-fashioned synergy.

Capturing - We made a plan together, or you already know what you want, great. Now let’s put it in motion! I have captured more than my fair share of moments through digital photography and video content. We’ve got the smiles, laughs, and highlights of the event and now we can move on to the fun part.

Editing - Based on our plan, I’ll put together content that best suits your needs and make sure it is the best of the best. I’ll touch up minor things like adjusting the brightness and contrast to make sure those smiles shine just as bright in the photo as they did in real life. The same applies for video content. I will make sure the products are as rich and vibrant on a screen as they are in the palm of your hand.

Scheduling - We have some beautiful gems in our hands ready to go, now let’s get them prepared to launch. Using the tools at my disposal, I will schedule the content to post at the appropriate time. This is going to be entirely different for every organization, but that’s the beauty of it! I have learned and used so many tools to understand the ebb and flow of the digital media landscape that I have nearly mastered the waves.

Publishing - Pre-scheduled content is great, but sometimes you just have to be there. And now that almost every platform has some form of real-time story, you’re going to want to use it. Luckily, this is nothing new to the organizations I have worked with. I know my way around the popular story features and can help drive views. Outside of the story content I can publish content live at events. Sometimes the best moments happen when you don’t have a nice camera in your hand and you just have to capture and share it.

Reviewing - I love it when a plan comes together. Now let’s sit down, grab some more coffee (or tea), and talk. We have done so much together, but let’s figure out what we liked, disliked, etc. and go back to the start so we can do it even better, or likely, keep doing it better!

Need someone to manage your social media channel? Click the button below and let’s connect!


Below is a collection of my work from various organizations

I create and edit content in programs such as Canva, Adobe Lightroom, and Adobe Photoshop. The goal with these programs is to appropriately elevate the images by eliminating small issues and adjusting color, never giving false ideas of something’s quality.

These are then posted to various social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram.

Eastside Farmers’ Market

Murfie Music